Text Analysis

Wordclouds for each community

We will now create and inspect the wordclouds for each community to get an idea of what the communities are about. We also inspect the top 3 subfields in each community. To create wordclouds we calculated the TF-IDF scores for each word in each community. TF-IDF stands for term frequency-inverse document frequency. It is a numerical statistic that is intended to reflect how important a word is to a document in a collection or corpus. The TF-IDF value increases proportionally to the number of times a word appears in the document and is offset by the number of documents in the corpus that contain the word, which helps to adjust for the fact that some words appear more frequently in general.

Subsequent to each word cloud we try to justify the discovered communities. These are very conspiratory and we welcome the reader to come up with their own explanations.

This serves as the largest community in the network. It appears that the brain is the main focus dealing with the logical left hemisphere and the creative (language) right hemisphere.

This community is critical of the status quo in the form of economics and perhaps how they affect us socially. Notice the biggest words ‘society’, ‘marxist’, and ‘captialist’.

In this we are baffled. Here Hitler seems to be the protagonist with german sounding names surrounding him. We are not sure what to make of this.

This community seems to contain religious and medieval philopshers as the word ‘god’ is one the largest words and galileo galilei is also present.

Here words as market and economy are present. Furthermore the names Hazlitt, Goodwin and Binswanger are present. These are philosophers that focus on psychology. Thus this community’s philosophers could be about how the economy affects us psychologically which tiew well with the largest subfield being Socio-politics.

Subfields are not very indicative, but with words like ‘brahman’ (Hinduism for highest universal principle) and ‘buddhist’ it seems to be about eastern philosophy.

We believe ‘scottish’ appears as the largest words, due to Utilitarianism originating from the Scotland Enlightenment with big names such as David Hume and Adam Smith.

Natural science and technology springs forth as the biggest words here. Huamnism is also the major subfield.

Biggest word being ‘jewish’ and the following big words also concerning religion, this community seems to be about religion. The smaller words do refer to more ancient philosophers, so perhaps this community is about the history of religion.

With Feminism appearing as the most dominant subfield and looking at the wordcloud this community obviously represents feminism.

Computer science seems to be the trend here with ‘Löb’ perhaps referring to Löb’s theorem that concerns the provability of certain statements, where ‘provability’ also appears in the wodcloud.