Data collection

Wikipedia offers a list of philosophers divided into subfields, e.g., logician and ethicist, of which common web scraping techniques using Python’s request module was used to collect information on all listed philosophers. Additional information was added using Wikipedia’s sister project Wikidata, where the corresponding page is found using what is called a Q-code. The following attributes were collected:

When collecting href nuisance pages were filtered away. These pages are typically wikipage management or categories pages. The desired page must be valid and human, which was checked for by the following conditions:

The info attribute was directly collected from Wikidata. However, this information was not complete, so manual collection was necessary by visiting their respective Wikipedia pages.

To obtain a summary of each philosophers philosphy we used the OpenAI API. It is simple to use and here is an example of how to use it:

import openai
prompt = f"{authorName} philosophy summarized in no more than 200 words"

# use the openai API to get the summary
response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
messages=[{"role": "user", "content": prompt}],

summary = response.choices[0].message.content